Freitag, 7. September 2007

"don't be too nice"

Ay, there's the rub...aka the downside of wanting to get along. Then again, I suppose someone's going to be skeptical of you independent of how much or little you try. Go figure.I've realized that if I am really attracted to someone, I do't have any interest in talking to them. 1. I like the whole Dorian Gray pedestal idea..keeping the dream, not messing with it2. I resent someone else having the power to affect my thoughts3. I resent the attractiveness of the other personWhy should liking someone be such a negative?So in the midst of all this, I'm trying to re-figure out my schedule. Would I really like to take a night course on Dostoevsky? Could I deal with not taking an English class for a semester?The bigget question is whether I'll be able to stay awake in class. Who's holding their breath on that one? Tomorrow we go Boston-ing and I think Saturday I'm helping arrange an excursion to Urban Outfitters. Walked along rt 135 from Dower to Quad wondering what I WANTED to do that I wasn't doing in that moment. Felt alone, though alone's what I thought I wanted since yesterday. Alone's not it. Together? We're supposed to give it 6 months. Ok. I like school, but it's a new place. And this whole idea of slowing down and just taking other classes... doesn't seem possible to me. I never look at the little picture and the roses are just as well sniffed or not.

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